  • The park gets bigger ! We will welcome you soon, at the Fountain Mary-Rose Park in Grans !

    For birthdays or special events !
  • Enjoy big thrills with ACCRO PASSION !

    Original games and workshops !
  • We're safe with ACCRO PASSION !

    Welcome and have fun !
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Starting at 8 years, courses with various workshops and games accessible for the young adventurers.

Read more..

Birthday with treasure hunt ! An original afternoon, full of surprises, laughters, games and candies !

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The Fountain Mary-Rose Park :
A set of 8 hectares is waiting for you !


Our Adventure courses


200 original games and zip lines on 12 courses, start at 2 years 1/2 ! Enjoy a treetop adventure !










This text has been automatically translated into google translate for it to be understandable. But only the French version will serve as a reference.

Privacy policy of Parcours-obstacles.com

We attach particular importance to the way your data is obtained, used and shared on our parcours-obstacles.com website.

This personal data protection policy set up as part of route-obstacles.com as a data controller testifies to the respect of privacy and the protection of the personal data of its users.

This data protection policy is intended to enable you to become aware of our practices and conditions in the collection, use and retention of your personal data.

You will find the different data that we collect and process or that you can transmit to us when you access and use our site parcours-obstacles.com and which allows you to buy our products and services.

Given the constant evolution of laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data, it is likely that this Policy will be updated over time.

Our policy applies for collected data:

- Via the parcours-obstacles.com website

- Via the exchanged mails

- Via the creation of a user account

- Via the contact and reservation forms

We inform you that the consultation or the use of our site parcours-obstacles.com necessarily implies the acceptance of this Policy.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the Data provided to parcours-obstacles.com are complete, accurate and up-to-date.

What data is collected by parcours-obstacles.com

Depending on the nature of your interaction with the parcours-obstacles.com website, creation of a user account or contact form information, or booking form, we may collect the following data:

Your email address will necessarily be required to create a user account, and for the use of forms.

Data relating to your identity such as your surname, first name, user category, email address, anniversary date may be required.

Data concerning your visits to our Site, including traffic data, log files and other data or communication resources that you use by accessing parcours-obstacles.com.

Order data: your mailing address, phone number, are required for billing purposes. Similarly, your PayPal details must be completed to pay for your order.

How are your data collected?

They are collected in many ways on our site.

Directly via the contact forms and reservation and creation of user account and by phone or email.

Indirectly, via cookies to recognize you during your next connection to our site.

Why are your data collected?

As a user of our site, we collect your data for:

Manage reservations, orders and execute the contract

Send you information about your account, bookings, orders, purchase invoices, order history

You notify changes on our site or exchange about your bookings and orders.

We also use cookies to:

Improve your user experience by allowing the site to recognize your computer to avoid providing us with the same information multiple times.

Recognizing the username and password you have already provided so that you do not have to fill them out on every web page that requests it.

Analyze the traffic and data on the site parcours-obstacles.com to measure the number of users.

The refusal of the information of some data may result in the unavailability of certain services.

Who processes your data?

They are processed by the site's publication director in charge of: Site management

In addition, as part of our activity, and for external processing needs, your Data may be communicated to subcontractors, service providers or other third parties, and in particular:

Payment management: Payment by PayPal (read the Paypal RGPD charter)

Parcours-obstacles.com has no access to your login and credit card numbers.

How long are your data kept?

Parcours-obstacles.com only stores your Data for a necessary period indicated in the paragraph "Why are your data collected?"

This duration varies according to the use cases.

When you contact us via the contact form or by telephone, the data will be kept for up to 5 years from the last contact.

For a user account, your billing data is kept for 10 years from the date of purchase.

The credit card data for any purchase, will be kept 13 months from the date of debit to manage any disputes.

If you request it, your user account will be deactivated and completely deleted from the day you made the request.

Your Data will be anonymised to be kept for exclusively statistical purposes.

How are your data protected?

Your data is stored on secure servers and protected by firewalls and antivirus.

Given the peculiarities inherent to the Internet, it is however impossible for us to guarantee the optimal security of the exchanges of information on this network.

We strive to protect your Data, but we can not guarantee the absolute security of the information transmitted to the Site. You transmit your Data at your own risk.

As such, we remind you that the security of your information is also your responsibility. For example, it is your responsibility to keep secret the password that allows you to access your user account.

What are your rights ?

You may not provide us with data but some features of our site will not be available.

You can access your user account at any time to view and update your data and unsubscribe. (According to the European regulation 2016/679 on the protection of the Data (the "RGPD") as well as the law of January 6, 1978 n ° 78-17 called "Informatique et Libertés" and its modifications, you have a right to access and right of rectification on your Data.)

You also have the right to delete, limit, oppose, withdraw consent, and portability of your data.

The treatments performed before the revocation of your consent remain perfectly valid.

We have a period of one month to respond to any request relating to the exercise of your rights. This period may be extended by two months because of the complexity or the large number of requests.

Does Parcours-obstacles.com operate a data transfer outside the EU?

NO, the data collected in connection with the use of the Site parcours-obstacles.com are hosted by the company OVH 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France. (Read the OVH RGPD charter)

Obstacle Course- Privacy Policy - May 2018

Enjoy a half-day or a whole day !

Proposals adapted to your events. 

Accropassion's adventure park suggets you organizing, at the heart of the pine forest of Salon de Provence, an original and very pleasant trip. Your team, your collaborators, your suppliers or others, will appreciate your initiative and the dynamism created by this trip. On a half-day or on a whole day, in sports, natural, relaxed and discovery atmosphere, proposals adapted to any budget. An all-inclusive offer : the frame, an animation, safety, a restoration, with a dynamic, serious and qualified team ready to help. 

Several options are available to you, consult, choose, and we organise for you ! To know our rates concerning these services, do not hesitate to ask us a quote, indicating the chosen formula and the number of people ! If you have other ideas for your trip, do not hesitate to consult us, we can adapt our formulas according to your wishes !

A. Sports half-day: (starting to 10 participants or package) Courses in the trees
B. Studious and sports day: (starting to 15 participants) Work meeting on the park's tables (possible breakfast) and courses in the trees
C. Relaxation and sports day with meal: (starting to 15 participants) Courses in the trees, meal and free afternoon in the pine forest (not supplied games)
D. Sports challenge day with meal: (starting to 20 participants) Courses in the trees, meal and team games


Meal in the pine forest !

Seminaires entrerprises

Opening according to the weather.

Be careful : Last activity beginning at 4pm !

Horaires du Parc Accro Passion


For more comfort during your visit, you can consult our attendance schedule.

Possible opening during the week, on reservation for the school trips, the companies' seminaries and the groups, consult us.

Jeux Parking Table wc Boissons


Children under 15 years old must be accompanied by an adult on the floor or in the trees. 

Closed shoes and stomach covering T-shirt are inescapable and Mini-short forbidden. Long hair must be attached in bun.

Price scale includes :

  • Equipment' rent (harness + pair of gloves)
  • Safety instructions (inescapable test), security equipment and its use discovery, different accessible courses presentation (according to the height, the age and wishes)
  • Freedom on the park for 3 hours of activity (or more according to the crowd), to evolve in the park and discover the differents courses.

Information : 

Parents wishing to accompany their children come to climb and who want to stay on the floor (without safety equipment) have obviously a free access to the park. Only parents who accompany their children in trees (with a safety equipment) pay an entrance fee. 

To consult Adventure Packs' Original Gift fares click here !

Be careful !


Reservation is not compulsory but very recommended according to the season. You can consult the Attendance Schedule to know the most comfortable slots (from May to September).

Tarifs parc Accro Passion Modes de règlement


On our exceptionnal site, you will find also a kiosk, as well as petanque fields and children playgrounds, installed by the municipality, to enjoy the day placed under the sign of good mood and sharing ! 

The kiosk and its huge terrace welcomes a snack, practice for the improvised picnics !

3 petanque fields and two children playgrounds are also accessible freely for all, to extend fun !

Do you want to have a rest ? To play football or even petanque ? The forest offers a lot of spaces to have fun and having a good time !  


It is a must-seen place !

Un coin tranquille Air de jeux 

More Articles ...


PACA - Unique - Nice - Safety
  • School Trips
  • Business seminaries
  • Open-air picnic
  • How to book ?
  • Original Park
  • Workshops & games accessible to children and adults 
  • Individual and Group fares
  • Safety instructions on the park
  • 3 hours of adventure
  • Birthdays & Treasure hunts
  • 2018 News
  • Obstacle Courses
  • Complementary activities
  • On site Snack & Refreshment

Map - How to find us

Contact us !

This form allows you to ask us for more information on our park and our activities. We will answer you as fast as possible. To make a reservation request for individuals or a group quote , you can use the planned forms by clicking the links.

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